A fantastic panel discussion and a topic near to my heart at ISA Assets 2024 Confernce: How to appraise the digital assets of HNWIs. A Digital legacy can consist of:
1) Tangible property: your personal computer, iPhone, echos etc. that contain your personal data;
2) Software you utilize: online banking, health records, airline booking/miles etc.;
3) Incorporeal/Stacked Assets: NFTs, Crypto, Dow Tokens etc.; and
4) AI (hybrid digital assets) which can include extrapolated assets (ex: research you’ve done on Google) and GPT (generative pre-trained transformer) assets (ex: anything you’ve created through use of ChapGPT, Gemini, etc).
Look forward to having such digital assets included in estate planning and insurance and for a #personalpropertyappraiser who is familiar with the respective appraisal approaches! Many thanks to speakers Olivia Cinqmars-Viau, MA, CIP and Sara Adami-Johnson Esq, Ph.D, TEP, LL.M, JD, CFP® for this forward-looking discussion!